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from the Foothill Conservancy

Turnout overwhelming for Sutter Hill meeting regarding EBMUD's plans to expand Pardee Dam

March 17, 2009 -- We had a great turnout at the EBMUD hearing in Sutter Hill last night   Nearly 150 people came out and overflowed a room designed to hold only 40. The two EBMUD directors present received a strong message: We love the Mokelumne and don't want to see it destroyed by an expanded Pardee Reservoir. And we'll fight to keep the Mokelumne a river for future generations.
Thanks to everyone who came!
Now we need to make sure people speak up at the hearings in the East Bay, which will be attended by all seven of EBMUD's directors. They need to hear that their customers value the Mokelumne and want to protect this special river. 
Can you call or e-mail five friends in the East Bay today and urge them to attend the EBMUD hearings?

The hearings are Wednesday night in Oakland and next Monday in Walnut Creek (see below for details).
See http://www.ebmud.com/about_ebmud/overview/service_area/EBMUD_Service_Area_Map_2003.pdf
for EBMUD's service area map.

What's at stake

The Pardee expansion would destroy wildlife and fish habitat, historical and Native American cultural resources, valuable recreation sites, places people take kids to learn about nature, critical emergency evacuation routes and economic development opportunities for foothill towns.
For more, see www.foothillconservancy/pardee

Please tell your Bay Area friends to tell EBMUD:

-- EBMUD should choose a future water supply portfolio that does not include expanding Pardee Reservoir and destroying miles of the Mokelumne River. We should not take care of our own needs by destroying economic, natural and societal resource somewhere else.
-- Please adopt a water plan that protects the Mokelumne River and implement reasonable and achievable increases in water conservation, recycling, groundwater storage, and drought year rationing (when needed).
-- As EBMUD customers, we are willing to conserve water in order to make
 sure the river that provides most of our water is protected.
-- If Los Angeles can restore Mono Lake, we can protect the Mokelumne
 River (See What's at stake, above).

Please urge your friends to support National Wild and Scenic River designation for the Mokelumne, too. That's the only way to stop these bad dam proposals on our special river in the long run.

See www.foothillconservancy.org/rivers And if you're not yet a Foothill Conservancy member or donor, please consider joining today. We're working hard to keep our river flowing free!
See www.foothillconservancy.org/donations.cgi

East Bay hearing information

 Wednesday, March 18, 2009
 6:30 – 8:30 p.m>
 EBMUD Administration Building
 375 Eleventh Street
 Oakland, CA 94607
Walnut Creek
 Monday, March 23, 2009
 6:30 – 8:30 p.m
 Heather Farms Community Center
 301 N. San Carlos Drive
 Walnut Creek, CA 94598
 Thanks for all of your help and support!