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Proposed Amendments to AB 1253 (Fuller)


Delete the existing provisions of the bill and replace with:


a) The independent science program of the CALFED Bay Delta Program shall conduct an independent scientific review of existing literature and studies on non-native predation in the Delta, for the purpose of evaluating whether additional studies are needed on the affects of predation on species listed as threatened or endangered under the state or federal endangered species acts, and to determine whether non-native predator species are having a population level impact on native salmonids or other indigenous pelagic species in the Delta, and if so, whether policy and operational changes are needed to reduce predation effects. The review shall also include a review of fish salvage methods and other mitigation protocols at state and federal pumping facilities and recommendations for changes in methodologies to improve survival.


b) Subsequent to the review, the independent science panel shall report to the Legislature and the Governor with recommendations on whether additional studies are needed, and if so what the design and scope of those studies should be, and an estimate of the total costs of the studies.