California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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Letter Campaign to defeat the Delta Bill Package


CSPA is  asking you to send two letters, one to your state senator and one to your assembly member. A sample letter is included below. Please feel free to change the letter into your own words or add your own comments.


Instructions for sending (read fully before sending your letters):


Sending the letter takes two steps, copying the letter and then locating your two representatives.


1. First, highlight and copy the letter


2. Click here to  be taken to the page to find your assembly member and senator.


3. Fill in your address on the page and hit the "Find" button.


4. On the next page, click on the link to your representative.


5. Most of the sites have a "Contact" page, find the tab and click on it.


6. Once at the page, fill in the form information and paste your letter into the space provided. If no form, click on the e-mail link and paste your letter into the body of the letter. If sending e-mail make sure your zip code is included since most legislators will only accept correspondence from their own constituents.


7. Use your back button or tab to be taken back to the results page for your representative search and repeat the above for your other representative.


8. Some of the legislators still have regular e-mail addresses. If so, just click on their e-mail address to open your e-mail program, paste the sample letter text in the body of your letter and type: Re: Opposition to the Delta Bill Package in the Subject line box.



Sample Letter (Cut and Paste)



Dear Senator (or Assemblymember):


Re: Oppose the Delta Bill Package
I am writing to express my strong opposition to the “Delta Bill Package” that is being rushed through the legislature.


These bills:

·         Would establish a committee appointed by politicians that could authorize a Peripheral Canal without voter approval.
·         Fail to provide enforceable standards for fishery restoration and will facilitate the demise of Central Valley salmon.

·         Guarantee water for west San Joaquin Valley agriculture while ignoring toxic drainage from these lands that degrades Delta fisheries, ecology and water quality.

·         Will weaken environmental law by making water for the environment and fish “co-equal goals” with the delivery of paper water that doesn’t exist.


Please oppose this stampede and establish a thoughtful process that provides for meaningful public involvement.





Address including zip