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A Merced Sun-Star Editorial


Our View: Lawmakers block water reform: Constituents' growing anger making it harder for politicians to hide


  Why more dams are NOT the solution. First, the water collected by new dams would be considered, "additional available water" and be sold as such rather than used to meet the current 850% overdraft that the DWR has created. Second, the flushing flows that wet years afford are desperately needed to recharge the delta with clean water absent of  the agricultural, municipal and industrial wastes that are now chronic problems. And finally, changing weathers patterns indicate that our currents reservoirs will not fill on an annual basis in the near future negating the need for any additional storage capacity. It's a case of reality vs. political posturing. Ed.


June 23, 2009 --The politicians are scrambling for political cover as California's water crisis gets more serious because of a third year of a drought and environmental restrictions on how much water can flow in the Golden State...(Continued on-line at the Merced Sun-Star)