California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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Striper legislation assigned hearing date, Delta Conservancy as well

April 3, 2009 - Assemblywoman Fuller's bill, AB 1253, the bill to deregulate and remove funding from the striped bass will be heard by the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee on April 28. The committee, chaired by Jared Huffman is composed of thirteen members,  nine democrats and four republicans. Many of the members are from agricultural districts or urban southern California areas. CSPA has sponsored a letter campaign in an attempt to kill the bill in committee. Further information on writing letters opposing the bill can be found here.

A second bill that could effect the delta's future, SB  458, introduced by Senator Lois Wolk, is scheduled for hearing on April 14 in front of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee.

This bill would establish the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy to undertake various activities related to the Delta , including monitoring projects within the watershed of the delta, providing stewardship, and coordinating supporting efforts that advance both environmental protection and the economic well-being of Delta residents, and cooperating with other delta Delta governance entities. CSPA has taken no position on this bill to date.