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CSPA sues Cargill Salt in Newark for violations of clean water act


April 23, 2009 -- On 21 April 2009, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue for violations of the federal Clean Water Act to Cargill Salt located in Newark California (attached).  The notice letter alleges that the facility is illegally discharging polluted stormwater in violation of the substantive and procedural requirements of the General Industrial Stormwater Permit to Plummer Creek, Newark Slough, Newark Barge Canal and the San Francisco Bay.

In addition to the facility's discharge of pollutants far exceeding standards, Cargill Salt Newark failed to: 1) prepare an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, 2) implement an adequate monitoring and reporting program; 3) sample required parameters; 4) install management measures to reduce or prevent pollutants from entering waterways and 5) file true and correct annual reports.

Pursuant to the citizen-suit provisions of the federal Clean Water Act, CSPA is required to send a potential defendant a notice letter informing them of the specific violations that have been identified. The USEPA, US Department of Justice, state Attorney General and the Regional Water Quality Board are copied and, if the agencies fail to initiate enforcement actions within 60 days, CSPA is free to file a lawsuit against the discharger. CSPA has offered to meet with Cargill Salt to see if the matter can be resolved prior to litigation.


CSPA complaint