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from the Stockton Record via the Department of Water

Resources California Water Daily News Summary


Striper run has begun, sort of


Does the Department of Water Resources have a stake in the manipulated "fish vs. farms" water war organized by large corporate ag? The DWR sends out a five part daily summary of water news covered by the media. Today the DWR editors thought it appropriate to send out a fishing report to all of their readers. Since big ag has represented that the reason that the salmon stocks have crashed is striped bass predation rather than excessive pumping is the DWR trying to fan the flames of the fire by running this article or are they just letting their good ole' boy network know where the good fishing is this coming weekend. Geez, I wonder? Ed.


By Peter Ottesen

April 15, 2009 -- As long-time angler Tim O'Shea shouts when hordes of striped bass invade the Delta on the spring migratory spawning run: "It's show time...(Continued on-line at the Stockton Record)