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from the San Francisco Chronicle


Water is going down the drain


Assembly member Cogdill's solution to the state's water problem is to build more dams. However, if scientists are right regarding the state's trend towards a more arid climate, the current reservoir system will only "fill up" one out of seven years. Additional dams will add almost nothing to our capacity to store water at a huge expense.


The second problem is that the Department of Water Resources has already oversold the system by eight and a half times its actual capacity to produce. If additional dams are built, instead of attempting to meet current demands, their annual capacity would be sold as additional water available on an annual basis, even though they will sit empty six out of seven years. Cogdill's solution is no solution at all. Ed.


Dave Cogdill

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 -- A brewing perfect "storm" will exacerbate California's water crisis - and drought is just one factor...(Continued on-line at the San Francisco Chronicle)