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CSPA and a coalition of conservation and recreation groups file comments on the FERC Draft Assessment for the DeSabla-Centerville project for Butte Creek

By Chris Shutes, CSPA Ferc Projects Director
February 28, 2009 -- CSPA and Friends of Butte Creek, Friends of the River, American Whitewater, and Golden West Women Flyfishers filed their comments today on the the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Draft Environmental Assessment for the relicensing of the DeSabla-Centerville hydroelectric project. The relicensing will determine how Butte Creek is managed over the next thirty years for spring-run Chinook salmon and for steelhead.

CSPA and its allies  believe that FERC should rework its Environmental Analysis, and re-issue a more extensive Environmental Impact Statement. The groups were united in also repeating the contention that their alternative, also know as the Conservation Groups' Alternative, presented in their, "June 27, 2008 Comments on relicensing," the project, should be analyzed as a formal alternative under the National Environmental Policy Act.

Thursday's comments highlight numerous assumptions that license holder PG&E, as well as FERC and some resource agencies, have made about the operation of the DeSabla - Centerville Project.  The Conservation Groups ask that FERC order tests that will determine how salmon behave if all the water in Butte Creek remains in the creek, rather than being diverted into Lower Centerville Canal. CSPA continues to maintain that decommissioning Centerville Powerhouse is the best management option for Butte Creek.

CSPA and "Conservation Groups" comments on the DeSabla-Centerville Project

CSPA does not often post on its website resource agency filings with FERC. However, when such filings are exceptional, we feel it is important to make them known. This filing from State Water Resources Control Board regarding FERC's Environmental Assessment for the DeSabla relicensing is exceptional.

State Water Resources Control Board comments on the DeSabla-Centerville Project