California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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CSPA opposes further Delta daily 1000 acre feet diversions

January 17, 2009 -- CSPA has reviewed the application for a Section 10 permit by the California Department of Water Resources to divert an additional 1,000 acre-feet (or 500 cfs) from Clifton Court Forebay and believes the application should not be granted until additional evaluation is conducted.

The collapse of the pelagic fisheries and severe decline of salmonid fisheries in the estuary, the new U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinion on Delta smelt, the impending biological opinion by the National Marine Fisheries Service on listed salmonid species and green sturgeon, the egregious failure to implement the CalFed ROD’s requirement to install state-of -the- art fish screens and the irrefutable identification of excessive export pumping as the major contributing factor in these declines mandate utmost caution in approval of additional increases in the level of export pumping. Clearly, an EIR/EIS is required for this project.

We further believe a public hearing is warranted and should be held before issuance of any permit. CSPA endorses and incorporates by reference, within our comments, the excellent attached comments submitted by South and Central Delta Water Agencies in this matter.

CSPA comments

South Delta Water Agency comments